A Postal History Gallery of Related Events


Canadian Pacific Airlines Polar Route



Based on familiarization with flights over a polar route to Europe, Canadian Pacific Airlines planned regular passenger service. The origination was established as Australia when the service opened in June 1955. The flight was to Vancouver and then via the Polar Route to Amsterdam using a jet-powered DC8 aircraft.

The only "First Flight" covers were dispatched from Sydney, Australia because mail could not be accepted from Canada since another Canadian company had a monopoly at the London terminal.



Wireless Communications From the Ice Stations


To the Ministry of Communications USSR Received on the 24th at 10:16 a.m.

(TO) Leningrad Rakova St. 16, Apt. 12
Point of sending North Pole 23rd 7 p.m.
Began working at North Pole 5. Regards to all. Big, big kiss.
Write. Zalman (Gudkovich)

The Russian ice stations used wireless radio to communicate during the long assignments. At most stations, like NP5, the radio exchanges broke the monotony of the long Arctic nights, however the personal messages to the families of the station personnel received priority attention by the radio operators. The "Cold War" political impasse caused some limitation in communications since all messages were censored. The approved messages were carefully typed on telegram forms for delivery to the addresses.

NP5 was established on April 21, 1955 and the first crew was relieved on April 20, 1956. The geographic position of the station ranged from 80°N to 85° N during the first year.


Ice Station T3 Becomes Project "ICE SKATE"



The Northeast Air Command initiated a new occupation of Ice Island T3 in 1957 under the code name "ICE SKATE". Before the station was activated the control was passed to the Eighth Air Force and the station was designated "Drift Station Bravo". It also supported IGY activities. Mail and supplies were flown to the island from Thule, Air Force Base.



Ice Station Supports

Received July 22, 1957 from Chulovich.
From the Radio of the Krassin
To Administration of the Northern Sea Route

Moscow National Commissariat for supplying, Mikoyan: National Commissariat of Water, Yantsev: Revolutionary Military Soviet, (Fish Ministry), Andrianov.

Midnight of the seventh, location 76° 42', 63° 00'. Ice cover consists of light flat floes, some leads.


Icebreaker KRASSIN



The work of the Northern Sea Administration included scientific, as well as commercial, studies. The Icebreaker KRASSIN reported elements of special studies to the Fish Ministry as it proceeded to support the ice stations.


(Exhibition pieces courtesy of George Hall)